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True or Fiction

Received a forwarded message from a junior:

Please help....
My friend 's only baby son has denggi. This baby is only 9 months old.
The father's name: Lim Soon Huat The baby 's name :Lim Jue Xin
Admitted to : Loh Guan Lye Hospital
Level: 2 and room T3
Blood type : B negative and O negative only
The patient father's contact no.: 016-4109815
This baby needs public help to donate blood since the baby is too young
and the baby cannot use other types of blood other than B- and O-.
This is not a joke... please help to forward to others in order to
save this baby's life ..

Thanks you for helping.............Please....

I dun usually forward message. Dunno why, today I just forward it out. To everyone in my yahoo! list. EVERY SINGLE 1. Then some1 start shooting back.

"A, is that true 1 ar?"
"That 1 must be fake 1 lah ... "
"My friend ask me to verify the source before forward to them lah... "
blah blah blah...

Fair enuf. Yeah, is my problem, I didn't really verify that message... just the gut feeling tells me that is true, so I just forward it. Why I do that, I really dunno.

While ppl ask me to stop spamming, this is my reply:
"OK, right, I didn't verify that. I just forward it, if that is fake, it is a spam message, but if that is true, it is a life. See the difference?"
"most of these messeges are 90% fake or either out dated... if they really need help they can go to other sources not this way... btw, this is also call spamming.. fooling ppl like u la.. "
"sometimes human do not know when is the time for them to be smart and time for them to act like a fool .. " I'm not an all-time smart ppl, so this time i choose to act like a fool.

Later, I receive this:
Please stop forwarding the message regarding the baby son that need blood. I just called his dad and he confirmed that his dad already recovered, LAST YEAR!!! I'm representing his father to thank everyone for your concern and please, stop forwarding! Thank you!

That is a relief. First of all, that was not a spam, just it is out-dated now. Some more, there is ppl who really care and take proper action. Not like us. Fool. By the time we are arguing is the message true or not, ppl take action to find out for us. I really respect that person.

Here is something I 1 2 share after this incident:
1. Ppl who try to get help from this kind of channel, please state the date as well. So we know is it still valid, shall we keep on find the way to help or we should just discard it and hopefully helps been offered to the needers.
2. Ppl who doubt of the content of the message, take proper action to find out is it true of fact, dun just discard it and also dun push the resposibility to others.
3. Ppl who think creating this kind of messages is fun, please stop it. There are ppl who really suffering, dun make this kind of jokes, that is NOT FUNNY AT ALL.
4. For more information, check out this site (Thanks CK dd for the link).


Anonymous said…
call me an animal... usually i straight away delete it... and sometimes ... those who love to send this rubbish riding on our Malaysia bandwidth... their ending would be inside my ignore list.

1) people who created these kind of msg; if it's a true fact, well, i salute your efforts to help; if it's a fake one, go and get yourself some life - or drugs to kill yourself!
2) people who simply forward these, well, you're forgiven, just admit that you're somehow sometimes not-so-smart, don't-really-use-your-brain, missuse the internet, LOA, peer pressure, people-do-so-i-also-do, no comman sense and .......
3) Lichard don't simply forward msges or spam emails ... cause Lichard loves the Internet.
Anonymous said…
alot of these mails that ask you to forward to other ppl because of this and because of that is very likely to be spam.
Trust me =) i have use internet long enuf to know that.
I believe for those that need help wouldn't solely juz rely on the so "highly secured and trusted" internet. There is more ways to do to ask for help.

juz putting my 2sen =)
Anonymous said…
lizard is cold blooded animal anyway :)
I do agree we should not just forward any msg thru internet, and I very seldom do except I have read it and found it somehow interesting or, not fake.

If i receive this kind of msg asking for help, I do not forward it because 1) I think there are too many people forwarding the same msg and doing so will just burden the internet and 2) I couldn't help and if I could I will contact them directly.

Nevertheless, person who forward this kind of msg does not mean he/she is a dumb, brainless or follow the suit whatsoever. He/She might just a kind hearted person. To choose among a dumbass but kind hearted and smartass but cold-blooded, I will prefer the dumbass.
Unknown said…
I'll prefer to be fool also ... just sometimes lah ... if I have the choice lah .. coz most of the time I can't choose, I can just be the stubird...
Anonymous said…
Eh ahcoln uncle...
To choose among a dumbass but kind hearted and smartass but cold-blooded, I will prefer the dumbass.

can't it be smartass but kindhearted?

some social-engineers had been using these human weakness to sniff and pish private information out from those dumbass internet users ...

common one would be fear.
second one would be your sympanthy and your i-wanna-be-good-human attitude...

remember ...
invisible data collection ....
Anonymous said…
i did not mention smartass but kindhearted did i?
i said to choose among 2 (it means if you have only 2 to choose man), not 3 or 4.
If you are smart & kindhearted you no need to choose (and you are not invited to choose as this is anyway not in my discussion). Hey, young man. Read what I had written is not enuf, you got to understand it. You were off topic lei...

like you said
common one would be fear.
second one would be your sympanthy and your i-wanna-be-good-human attitude...

If I say "can't it be the third kind? Like i am just good without fear?", it will also become out-topic because it was not your point, so no one should bother to bring it out. Like someone ask you to choose ice cream with bread or cone, and you reply you want biscuit even he does not have any.

In this world, most people think herself/himself is smartass. I also once thought I am smart in young age but later i found out I am neither... dumb or smart.
Anonymous said…
okie ...
understand liao ...
2 choices lar ...


o.... okie....
my pick still no.1 :D ...

to survive in this jungle... u got to b smart and sometimes cold blooded ;-)
Anonymous said…
lichard, sure you are free to have your choice.

During the tsunami case, I did donate some money, even though i know the part of my money will somehow goes to "somebody" other than victim. Because we have no choice but to accept. "Somebody" should be blamed or punished but certainly not the victim. We feed them some and hopefully some will still go to the victim.

NKF of Singapore, lot of people who never donate now laughing to try to show how smartass they are. But still people keep donate, why? Because they want to help the patient even though part of their money has been misused.

Am i dumbass just because I am trying to help those people? Maybe I am, but I prefer to be dumbass in this case.

Yee, what you have done was not wrong at all, even some smartass people trying to impress you how stupid you are. Keep your heart as it used to be.
Anonymous said…
the message I want to bring out is not to punish the wrong person. Don't punish the victim who need the help, don't punish those who are willing to help, only because you want to show your smart ass!
Anonymous said…
draw the camera back nearer...
near to the foodcourt where people used to have their meals ...

there would be people holding a clear folder full with pictures and news articles ... asking for donation.
they will show you everything... their IC, those needies' photo, their account balance sheets and etc ...
"Mister they need your help."

But they refuse to take any donation. They're selling merchandizes; pen, dolls, tit-bits and etc ... they sell things and could not accept donation ...

I would rather get the address of the organization that needs help, instead of purchasing something from these kind-hearted teenagers who own the latest handphone...

My point here, yes, help the needie by go straight to them, if you really want to help them...
Unknown said…
I never donate, even a sen to those ppl selling things at the food court. Because I really doubt of the source of those merchandise. THey said those are hand made... but ... i just doubt.

In this case, I never said that forwarding message is the only way to help. I do agree with u that we should go directly to help those needie if we are able to access them. Like Coln said, this is out of topic.

Let just see this message forwarding things. I never dicuss about that I'm kind hearted or not. Just a single message, very easy to forward it out and what I wish is that message eventually reach someone who can really helps. That's it, coz they are not asking for money or any material. Not every1 can help them in this case, so I think thru internet is good, coz it is fast enuf, fast enuf to reach more ppl, including the person who can really help out. That's is why, next time if I see something like that(and my gut feeling tell me this is real also), I'll still forward it. Before that, maybe I'll make that call first. =)

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