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Anonymous said…

Invisible said…


Unknown said…

Anonymous said…
The grass trembles.

A guy who just lost his wife, who just broke up with his girlfriend, or who just failed the exam, sees the grass like feeling his sadness and so it is quivering.

A guy who just won the million lottery, who just succeed in his propose, or even he was only passing a driving test, feel the shiver is a sign of bliss out sharing his joyfulness.

Do you think the grass trembles of your emotion?
No, it trembles of the breeze.
Invisible said…
Anonymous said…
It is common to whoever suffers some displeasure to think he/she being the most unlucky person in the world.

Anyway just sign up the trip with me & our family to HK Disney and with those kids you will be fine.

No guarantee but hey who cares, there will never have any.
Lichard said…
哈哈~ 感情可能就是唯一可以反映人类是如何的愚蠢和无知的东西。



Lichard said…
and i read some feedbacks here stating:
"God knows."
of course God knows everything...

but dun blame others for your misfortunes...

dun blame God, gods, yourself, the one who disappointed you or any 3rd parties.

when you start to pointing finger at people, remember, people will point their fingers at you also.

not their fault. it's a no one's fault.

Anonymous said…
love can be husband-wife, mother-son, father-daugther, brother-sister. They are not stupid.

Mother who lost her children might be sad for the rest of her life, this love is not "foolish" at all.

No, it is money.
Lichard said…
Mother who lost her children might be sad for the rest of her life, this love is not "foolish" at all.
this is the Agape Love ... the unconditional love...

but then i think wormy would mean the love which exist between two people as lover...

and it drill down to the matter of commitment and 爱情.

hmmm i think i should use the 其中一个 instead of 唯一, thanks for the enlightment anyway ;-)
Anonymous said…
oh you were not wrong or I did not mean that you were. Sorry to make you think that way. I just to add weight to "divert" Yee's thoughts (I don't want her to think the way she is thinking now, read all her threads like the whole world owe her 5 million dollar).

But frankly you think man-woman cannot have Agape Love? I will say "yes" but again it does not mean you are wrong, ok.
Lichard said…

But frankly you think man-woman cannot have Agape Love? I will say "yes" but again it does not mean you are wrong, ok.

man-woman relationship will have Agape Love or not?

That's a good one, looking at those living examples - i dunno the exact answer - diff people diff approach to tackle this matter.

Some indulge themselves in the sorrows and grief, find their solace and comfort at the wrong edge of the world.

Some still love that person till the end of days and by doing so, it shadows and stumble that person and other people... including yourself...

Some would take time to heal, and would proudly tell the world:
I love her/him, but the love remains in other way
Mind you, at this stage, it's a balance, where both parties could meet and talk cheerfully... can it be archieved? Yes, I can tell you that.

Since, it's an unconditional love, you should love that person unconditionally and not to hurt that person or yourself or sometimes people around you, who cares for you.

Hehehe, but sometimes, parents' love could also hurt us in some manners, dun you think so Ahcoln?
Anonymous said…
Hehehe, but sometimes, parents' love could also hurt us in some manners, dun you think so Ahcoln?

Yes I do
(does not mean I am willing to marry you)

Let's not arrogate Wormy's home agree?
Unknown said…
I dun mind ...
that's the reason wy I share my thought also ...
Lichard said…
wrote a reciproque entry on this matter.
check it out here:
Anonymous said…
嘿。。好吗?好久不见了。。祝你开心 :)
Unknown said…

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