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Evening View From My Lovely House

How nice is the view. Feel grateful I got a pair of healthy eyes to see all this. Feel grateful to have a nice camera, so I can share this to u all...

All my frens r welcome to come and see this with ur own eyes. =)


Lichard said…
which model of camera u're using o?
mingming said…
dun look like the scenery we saw last month one ? really ur house ?
Unknown said…
Lichard, the camera is Olympus 1 lah. A very good camera I'll say but if u think the image is not really clear that is due to my skill lah .. =Þ

Ming, U should stay a few more days only can see sth like this la. Not everyday got 1. I really took this photo from my balcony lah!
Anonymous said…
wow~looks so great 1...but, y i didnt see b4 d...
Unknown said…
Got lah, this weekend u stand at the balcony and wait lah ... Good things dun come easily.
Anonymous said…
is that KL tower?

camera is fine but the skill is doubtfull.
Anonymous said…
jj use english wo...
u sure u OK???
hey wait...
i think i saw a little pig climbing a tree leh... ;Þ
Unknown said…
U can see KL Tower ... but is not clear ...

Pig? like that also can see ? U sure boh?
fongozic said…
hei...when free to yum cha? i and ying zhang ready~~ :P
Anonymous said…
no i cant see any pig, are you sure there is any (pig)?
But i can see a little part of your head, are you sure that is not pig (but your head)?
they look similar (the head & the pig).
Anonymous said…
defenitely great camera with great skill and also great timing :)

never been to ur house.. paiseh.. but you're staying in condo?

what a nice scenery u can get in KL... hmm...
Unknown said…
I'm gonna capture some more pic at the same spot on different time. Stay tune!
mingming said…
Thought that you will see moon then sunset....
Anonymous said…
hi my name is jatin and i am from india i am learning chinese my email id is
please help me in learning chinese

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