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白痴3:“Please lah,不要乱讲哦!可能很多男人都会受骗啦!死爱面子,受骗了不敢讲的一大堆!”



Unknown said…
Anonymous said…

idiot is forever idiot

at this technology age , no need to ‘干’ also can produce 小孩

woman can, man also can.

read more news ok!
Unknown said…
That's why i also said:
Anonymous said…
woman can also have 没有亲自参与制作过程的产品 not only man.

I was saying both can be the same situation now don't you get it?
Your claim become meaningless because you tot only man can have "没有亲自参与制作过程的产品" so might no "信心".
Chen Jie@陈杰 said…
Unknown said…
Anonymous said…
i was talking about no "干" also can produce but you said "男人就算亲自参与也不一定会知道有没有成品。" is 重点. which only valid if you are "干" to produce.
If no "干" involved, 男人 and 女人就算亲自参与也不一定会知道有没有成品.

read your original article again and read what i said in the first place.

Anonymous said…
oh sorry,

i said :
"...which only valid if you are "干" to produce..."

a grammer mistake, should be "干ing" :)
Unknown said…
My original article is specifically about ‘干’, coz the other idiot think:‘干’了之后,女人吃完亏,男人受完益。

Read properly before u simple ‘干’!
Unknown said…
~If no "干" involved, 男人 and 女人就算亲自参与也不一定会知道有没有成品~

If no ‘干’involve, is no more 亲自参与 already lah...
Anonymous said…
oh forget it you dun get my point, and you dun face the mistake. Ok you win.

If no ‘干’involve, is no more 亲自参与 already lah
oh this one also not right, there are many ways... Anyway you win.

next time when you home i will teach you some lesson.
Then i'll win!
Anonymous said…
nonsence. Women are born to be more sturdy than men.

“Please lah,不要乱讲哦!可能很多男人都会受骗啦!死爱面子,受骗了不敢讲的一大堆!”
This is because most 男人受骗了 also does not think they already 受骗.

Bullshit. Today 锁 goes everywhere...
Anonymous said…
我很想隔岸观火,再说这里好像变成香港家庭剧的叫骂场面,分分钟会被乱枪流弹玻璃碎埋身,不治身亡 - 我还要结婚生孩子的。


不知你二哥与你到底有多大的代沟-generation gap,但,从你们和各路英雄的言论,每个人都有自己对事情的看法。这是铁般的事实!若是每人都想一样的东西,世界会很无聊。问题就在:你如何看待这些与你不同的看法意见,从中了解人性。

部落格存在的意义,也是它发源的动力就是我思我写。不要强迫别人跟你一样,信奉你的价值观,可能别人不能接受。间接也谋杀人类的自由、思想空间、言论自由等。反而应该思维转移-put yourself in others' shoes and consider their feelings. it add some colors and fun to my life by doing so.

为何要比较mars and venus?
the beauty of different color skins, the beauty of the differences. 当然,这就要看你如何看罗... 偶尔我也会蛮偏激的。

hmmmm ...
coln 的高见当然见人见智罗。

two cents worth comments ... hehehehe

p/s: just back from Redang! superb!!!
Unknown said…

Anonymous said…
不知你二哥与你到底有多大的代沟-generation gap

oh dear we were having fun only like at home we can kick each other butt as normal as eating rice.

sibling can have 代沟 meh?
i tot the word is "hong沟?" i am not sure don't flame me if I am wrong :)

女人强过男人... is the experience. I am not sure what is your age now maybe you are older than I tot but everybody has different experience. What I had seen 女人强过男人 in most cases. If you study the behaviour you will also see 女人 really 强过男人 (not physically).
Anonymous said…
阿艺,我不用CUT & PASTE 也可以打华文。
ykillC said…
i think i am the 白痴2. right...
Unknown said…
Yeah, most of the time Coln kick my butt... my get kicked only...

Hey, welcome, idiot No. 2.
Anonymous said…

how old am i? does that matter? hihihi...
and regarding your statement of you had seen strong women; could i put it as Strong Will women?
Yes, I had seen those too (and still seeing) but then not all, SOME only.

and of course, between siblings we will have gaps, some born at the 70's and some born at the 80's ... we grow up with different kind of inputs and idealogy propagated thru media. Our time where got F4? (assumption: you're born in the early 80's too - just like wormy and i)
I experienced that with my brothers.

Okie, bring it on!
Unknown said…
Lichard, mana mungkin, we already born in early 80's lah ... He is my 2nd brother, between us got another 1 lah... How old is he? I better dun 1 2 reveal...
Lichard said…
Worm worm: I kesi kesi one ... heheeheh
Chen Jie@陈杰 said…
Shall we start another co-blog for wormy & lichard ? Maybe I can camput 1 leg if im not too lazy in typing chinese.
Anonymous said…
lichard, age does matter. Experience is one thing that young like to deny because they can't compare, as like myself during the "young". (I am taking big risk to say this as I know most blogger lurking aroung are young, don't shoot me please!)

Miscalculation liao la. When we (Yee's 3 brothers) were all in secondary school, she just started to go to school. How old am i? I am 10 years older than Yee. But Yee, do you think we have any "沟" among us? Yes I kick ya, not to mention I dropped you from my shoulder when you were 3 (i just revealed why Yee sometimes behave a bit strange because that day she hit her head directly on the cement floor, and then she woke up like another person).

I was saying gap between sibling is not "代沟" not saying no "代沟" if that is the word. I can't recall the word. You did not get me.

Women stronger than men, you have to experience it yourself (you might probably never if your life is flat). You are still young and you still have chance (assuming you are same age with Yee). Like myself, I still have chance too, have chance to strike the 1 million toto 1 day (but I did not bet, how to strike?)

Not only our family background give such experience, my own life experience also tell the same. No matter how tough i always think I am, I still lose to those women around me lol. Don't say all women around me are supernatural, but I did have some period living under "extra-ordinary" life lol.
Lichard said…
Action speaks louder than empty words.
Some loves to talk/suggest/shout, but vainity i call it if not action taken.

A good suggestion you have there but then, this (co-blog) between Wormy and myself might be possible, if one side take the initiative to meet up, know each others better, start off a new kind of relationship and go on further (anyone get the words between the lines?). Or else, talk cock saje.

Alas, you're not that old. hihihi.
But hey, Worm is what a Worm today is not because of your fault. Dropping her straight down, free-falling to the ground. Man... I can imagine the "Dok" sound. *Shiver*

代=generation, not substitution代替 in my context。
鸿=legendary a BIG BIRD(animal not organ); 鸿沟 is used to describe BIG gap exists between two objects, let it be people or thinkings.
So nothing wrong with using 代沟 instead of 鸿沟。just don't use the 水沟or 泷沟。
Am i getting your ball right?

errr... supernatural women huh?
I saw a few lar... my cafe's taukeh is one... she can talk non-stop from 7am till 7pm... one by one, the staff will kena her lecture. NOW, that's I call superwoman. She not tired one ah?

And, ya, your sis is olso one helluva of superwoman. Extraordinary. Talk about her endurance and capabilities.
Anonymous said…
i remembered there is history connected to the word 鸿沟, like "zhu-han" thing. Because zhu and han were brother so now people use "鸿沟" to explain the gap between siblings. Maybe you could dig out more on this, you young guy are better in lookup thru internet, me, ... too old for that lol.
Lichard said…
again, alas, u're not that OLD... hhehehe
About digging on the internet thing... well... still got many pending items on my search list... shall do that one by one... ;-)
Anonymous said…
"again, alas, u're not that OLD... hhehehe"

Oh at least this is sweet. Too bad you are not "a-moi" lol.
Become quite common we hijack Wormy's page.
Lichard said…
Alamak... I like girl okie... Keep ur imagination on someone else... get a life :P

I think Worm likes it lar ... we give her attention o... hmmm kinda good to foster better family bounding also mma :D
Anonymous said…
oh lichard i found the link to your page. ^%@&$#*&*&#, you are male!!!

but at least you from Perak. I like Perak, Wormy knows why.
Lichard said…
"ek ek"
wrong! i am not from Perak... tough question u haff there - Where I am from.

ask wormy lar... malas nak jawab...

hey, the name Lichard sounds like a girlie name for you ah? *faint*

u like Perak or Ipoh o?
my plc is not where near to Ipoh and I am no where near to BEAUTIFUL :P
Anonymous said…
"ask wormy lar... malas nak jawab..."

the time you type the above you can simply tell me the place. Sick la you.

not perak? your school was there ah? nevermind, found you are male, so don't care so much oredi :)
Unknown said…
"Shall we start another co-blog for wormy & lichard ? Maybe I can camput 1 leg if im not too lazy in typing chinese"

Hmmm, why should I? actually planning to write something with somebody else long time ago... but till now... still waiting... sigh~~~

"... I dropped you from my shoulder when you were 3"

Now my friends, it explain a lot about my behavior...

...start off a new kind of relationship and go on further (anyone get the words between the lines?)...

Why need to have new kind of relationship? Long time ago 张小娴and 阿宽were writing on the similar topic from the point of view of a male and female for Sin Chew for quite sometimes. I wonder did they have "that" kind of relationship u were talking about...

...your sis is olso one helluva of superwoman...

Ha, I never thought of that till I know Coln almost killed me and I'm still alive till today. I'll take it as compliment anyway.

... remembered there is history connected to the word 鸿沟...

Coln, how come u never tell me about this story? What kind of brother u r? Never tell ur baby sister a story, only know how to kick her butt?

Lichard, Coln dun actually like Perak, he just loves that girl from Perak. The girl act as crazy as he does.

Coln, Lichard's backgroud is too complicated until I can't really remember ... is not mistaken, borned in Jitra, study in perlis before (Terbalik?) and ends up at Perak, now kacau-ing KL's community... So "ask wormy lar... malas nak jawab..."
, really not enuf to answer that question... anyway... u got no interest also lah... who cares?

Maybe u two should start a co-blog, title ==> 两代没力公司!
Anonymous said…

Lichard said…
Johnny ah,
有能力就去找个好的娇娇女来做老婆-减少ONS,Fxxx Buddy(ies) 的现象。

Unknown said…
How deep is deep?
Anonymous said…
深到了象rafidah aziz说AP不关她的事,AP王女婿与她无关,发出AP的并不是她,象她说马哈迪与阿都拉是独裁者般,不会辞职般,一样深。



ykillC said…
haha ???? :-\

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