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One Nite in Wangsa Maju

"Tonite free or not?"
"Tonite? Free gua, why?"
"1 2 watch movie?"
"What movie?"
"At my church, Angel Heart, Hong Kong movie in english..."
"Dun 1, my english no good, can't understand..."
"Come lah, free 1..."
"U belanja dinner also?"
"U ask my house mate lah, if she 1 2 go, then i'll go lah..."

~blah blah blah~

7:45pm, just after a committee meeting for the company dinner. Grab my beg. Vroom...
Wow, today's moon really big... guess a lot of life will be created tonite... A Wuu~~~~
8:00pm, receive a SMS from my housemate: Where r u now?We reach liao... CK phone no bat. Call me later... CK say u belanja...Not him :)
8:20pm, reach Desa Setapak. Yeah, I just learned that place called Desa Setapak after yesterday. Thanks a lot, u-know-who-u-are.
8:30pm, Hmmm... no 1 answer my call. Great, I got no idea where to go. All the clue I have is, there is a church near Wangsa Maju LRT station. How near is near? which position? East, west, north or south? I suddenly feel that if there is God, he hates me. So i can never get closer to the place to worship him.
8:40pm, Oh dear, look at the fuel level... almost empty liau... God, where are u?
8:45pm, great, I'm hungry, a lot of things to eat here... what the hell am I doing? Sitting in my car, desperately calling the same number which is like connected to nowhere.
8:50pm, Oh, here still got chicken rice selling at RM2.80 only? Wow, I'm not that suei at all, but the taste, yeah, only worth RM2.80 lah...
8:55pm, hmm... really dun 1 2 pick up my phone? No way I can know where they are? Nvm, I borned with the device which can bring me to everywhere.... hei hei.. what's that? Mouth lah... I can ask...
8:58pm, ok... no 1 knows there is a church near by? Hmm... ok, maybe every1 who know that place are sitting there enjoying the movie, like that 2 fella who never think: Why that stupid colleague haven't reach here? Is almost 9pm d...
9:00pm, imagine how desperate I was. I started to call every1 in my phone who live in this area. After 6 calls, finally, some1 can tell me exactly where the place is. And I finally spotted the fella's car.
9:05pm, sitting in the car, play games in my phone while mumbling like siau cha bo...
9:12pm, almost 1 hour after i reach wangsa maju, after my oil tank almost empty, after my phone credit not enuf for me to make another call, receive a call from that fella.
"A, where are u?"
"I've reach here 1 hour ago.@$)*($@%&(#$)*#(&$"
"A, I dunno lah... I ask ur house mate, she said no call wor... then she take out her phone..."
"I dun 1 2 watch liau... " hang up the phone. Still mumbling...
He call again.
"A, where are u now?"
"Sitting inside my car. My car park outside ur church, 2 cars before ur's. "
"Ar? okok, I come out now..."
"I dun 1 2 watch liau!!!" Hang up again. Normal reaction of a pretty girl who got piss off. Pretty girl dun like to wait.
9:15pm, the fella walked out from his church. I used to call him dd. Was a nice kid, before he let me waited for 1 hour, doing nothing here.
"Haha, I really dunno lah ... ur housemate switch her phone to silent mode, and the phone didn't vibrate also."
"... Dun 1 2 talk to u liau ... " While I'm still, well, talking to him.
What happen next? Nothing except keep on showing my angry face. I said u can consider I'm abnormal if I dun scold ppl, dun feel angry. So i scold ppl, and "fa lan za".

At the end of the day, i didn't get to watch the free movie, free dinner. Only a free coke. The cost? My time, my phone credit, my fuel, some more wringkles on my face.

Thanks u so much, dear CK dd.....


ykillC said…
interesting story. not bad lah. u found the church finaly. hahahahah
Anonymous said…
cool down jj.. misunderstood are everywhere n happens all the time, 原谅别人就是善待自己, 生气就是把别人的过错来惩罚自己, 何苦呢? :)
Anonymous said…
at the end, siao za bo still siao za bo...she get mad at last logically ....wahahaha
Unknown said…
Hmm, that is me lah...
Anonymous said…
look on the bright side..
1) u know that desa chicken rice at 2.80 is cheap but not nice.
2) 2 know desa and wangsa maju better
3) u got free coke.

wat else do u want?
Unknown said…
Something i forgot to mention:
1. Angel heart is a S'pore movie.
2. Mandarin 1, not english.

CK, u sure u really know what is that movie before u ask us to go? Given wrong info lah...
Unknown said…
Bright side?
1. RM2.80 u think really cheap? Muar can get RM2.5 yet still delicious.
2. Why the hell i need to know that place better? I'm not going to stay there after all.
3. Free coke? I should have get free dinner + movie. It ends up with 1 can of coke. Shall I feel happy for that ?
4. What else do I want? I got flu the next day. Coz I was waiting outside the church in the DAMN COLD NITE. Almost miss a show at Kepong. Till today my voice haven't recover... What else u think I want. I just hope I neve go there...
Anonymous said…
1 more thing...
that nite got nice full moon ma..
what are the odds that u can watch full moon...
not much chance rite?
admire the beauty of mother nature... ;þ
Anonymous said…
What a great adventure u encountered! What's the moral of the story?
Never out with empty/little tank of fuel, never want to reload until last minutes,
never look to cheap n demand for the best;
lastly, never 'fa lan za' or else u pay the debt of wrinkle on ur pretty face yeo. :p
Unknown said…
U better stop leaving comment without putting ur name. Coz u know no matter what u are still the main culprit.
安迪 said…
When she was angry, I will just think... "oh not again... her aunty visit!"
安迪 said…
But when she is crying... she's just like a baby girl.
Invisible said…
pity wormy..
if i was u, i will get piss off as what u did for the mentioned situation.
anyway, hope you get well soon :)
Chen Jie@陈杰 said…
angry alot easy get older
Lichard said…
u should get a gun and blast that fella/ur housemate's head off ...

hahahaha ....

God doesn't hate you ... He is a cool guy sometimes ... bery LCLY one ...

why i say so? coz i know ... ;-)
Unknown said…
1 day is something like that happen, and u dun see me get angry, then either I'm really old already, or I'm dying ...
Lichard said…
or u had changed luuu ...
no more bad temper and no more PMS ... hehehhehe
Unknown said…
Not yet to change ... only 24 years old ... I 1 2 keep my temper... i believe person like me go no more temper, means i got no more fire, no more passion ...
Lichard said…
eh i can control my temper liao leh .. unless someone who thinks he is larger than life, wanna change the global life wanna shout Bush down from Malaysia ... then tht one can trigger my anger ;-)

24? young ah u think?
lucky ones got babies liao luuu ...
"mommu mommy neh neh..."
u got meh?
not the neh neh .. but the babies okie :P
*adopted one tak kira in the case*
Anonymous said…
24? young ah u think?

Lizard, i mean lichard, are you trying to insult me?
have a nice day!
Lichard said…
hehehheh oldman ... oh no i mean young man ... u're not that old ... :D
Unknown said…
Oppsssss.... I just saw a lizard stepping on a pig's tail...

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