基本上,近期的漫画改编电影都让我留下很不错的印象,其中个人最爱的非蝙蝠侠(Batman Begin)莫属。好的电影不需要说太多,只要大家买张戏票进场亲身体验就明白了。而烂片,不吐不快。
Mr. Incredible - 力大无穷,能轻而易举的打穿墙壁,把车门给碰烂。说到力气,无人能及!
Elastic Girl - 如树胶一样柔软,有弹性,可以自由伸缩的身体,能让她在隙缝间来去自如。
Violet - 隐形人,同时可以发出保护罩,防止敌方武器袭击。
Dash - 飞毛腿,速度快的可以在水上奔驰。个性好玩。
The Thing - 除了体重超级之外,力气之大,可以将重型罗里强行“截停”!
Mr. Fantastic - 如树胶一样柔软,有弹性,可以自由伸缩的身体,能让他在隙缝间来去自如。
Invisible Woman - 隐形人,同时可以发出保护罩,防止对方武器袭击。
The Torch - 个性好玩、爱现。可以发出及高温的火焰,热得可以快速飞行。
OK,我想也不用再说什么了。不管是谁抄谁,比起F4的空洞,我奉劝各位还是多看一遍Mr.Incredible算了,别浪费你的时间,别忘了里面还有可爱到家的Jack Jack喔!
基本上,近期的漫画改编电影都让我留下很不错的印象,其中个人最爱的非蝙蝠侠(Batman Begin)莫属。好的电影不需要说太多,只要大家买张戏票进场亲身体验就明白了。而烂片,不吐不快。
Mr. Incredible - 力大无穷,能轻而易举的打穿墙壁,把车门给碰烂。说到力气,无人能及!
Elastic Girl - 如树胶一样柔软,有弹性,可以自由伸缩的身体,能让她在隙缝间来去自如。
Violet - 隐形人,同时可以发出保护罩,防止敌方武器袭击。
Dash - 飞毛腿,速度快的可以在水上奔驰。个性好玩。
The Thing - 除了体重超级之外,力气之大,可以将重型罗里强行“截停”!
Mr. Fantastic - 如树胶一样柔软,有弹性,可以自由伸缩的身体,能让他在隙缝间来去自如。
Invisible Woman - 隐形人,同时可以发出保护罩,防止对方武器袭击。
The Torch - 个性好玩、爱现。可以发出及高温的火焰,热得可以快速飞行。
OK,我想也不用再说什么了。不管是谁抄谁,比起F4的空洞,我奉劝各位还是多看一遍Mr.Incredible算了,别浪费你的时间,别忘了里面还有可爱到家的Jack Jack喔!
GOD, J.A. is HOT!!!
went to this F4 because of the sake of watching movie.
found two gems on the way struggling out from this show...
Jessica Alba and some hot model named Maria...
Nothing much about this movie, nothing much. Hero(s) save(s) the world concept.
Nothing much...
And guys, come on, just admit, without JA, A lot of u won't get into the cinema I guess...
The special effect is nicely done. applause.
p.s : i dun know who the hell is JA before i went into cinema. oh no, even after i went into the cinema.
I went in because it Fantastic 4, is an old memory for me who grow up with those superheros cartoon.
so sad to hear ppl comment Fantastic 4 simliar to Mr.Incredibles. and raise the issue of copying. And the later on cinema show is the victim. is so just unfair and naive....
just speak for justice. haha .. typical superheros movie.
1. I mentioned there might got some1 copy the other, but I'm not sure which is it. KK told us the Fantastic 4 exist long time ago. So, ahem, I know whats going on.
2. I just like Mr. Incredible more lah... and F4 is just ... hmm... I dun really think it is interesting. So just share my thought here and see any1 can tell me there is something I missed from the movie that catched their eyes. And so far the only thing, too bad, is JA but not other.
Anyway, thanks for dropping ur comment here.